Fisheries extension specialist Gabriela Bradt received a major Sea Grant award for her work with invasive green crabs. 阅读更多-
Could the famously predictable tides provide reliable power to coastal communities? 如果让人恶心的同样的波浪也能引起水产养殖呢... -
主要研究 research shows that adjusting light and density in lumpfish hatcheries reduces aggression, 加强它们在控制鲑鱼海虱方面的作用... -
Discover how 主要研究 researchers use integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) with seaweed and oysters to reduce nitrogen pollution in sustainable...
05/30/24 - 主要研究学生团队赢得全国海洋能源竞赛这是连续第二年了, a 主要研究 team won first place in the Department of Energy's Marine Energy Collegiate Competition. 阅读更多
05/06/24 - 工程和商业合并创造可持续的海洋漂流者Data collection buoys are essential for gathering information about the ocean and climate, but these devices can also be unreliable when their batteries die and turn into ocean... 阅读更多
04/17/24 - 走出这个世界的海螺蛋主要研究 researcher Elizabeth Fairchild is leading a study examining the effects of changing water temperatures on the fertility and reproduction of channeled whelk. 阅读更多
12/03/23 - 海洋酸化如何影响新英格兰的渔业?Explore 主要研究's research on how ocean acidification could potentially impact New Hampshire's lobster industry and the broader marine ecosystem. 阅读更多
11/29/23 - 浅滩海洋实验室任命新执行主任萨拉。莫里斯, a well-respected leader dedicated to student academic experiences and a passionate ornithologist, 被选为浅滩的新任执行董事... 阅读更多
11/08/23 - 现场工作安全计划获得卓越认可The Association of Public and Land-grant Universities honored 主要研究's research fieldwork safety program with an award. 阅读更多
09/21/23 - NOAA Administrator Announces New Ocean Mapping Center of Excellence at 主要研究NOAA Administrator Rick Spinrad announced the creation of the Center of Excellence for Operational Ocean and Great Lakes Mapping at 主要研究 during a visit to campus. 阅读更多
09/18/23 - 联合国大学与SubCom探讨如何建立繁荣的伙伴关系SubCom, 海底光缆行业的国际领导者, 它在纽因顿的工厂雇佣了50多名主要研究毕业生, 包括一些人,比如詹姆斯·托特(James Toth)... 阅读更多
09/13/23 - 把牡蛎带回新罕布什尔州的大海湾主要研究 COLSA scientists work on restoring oyster reefs in New Hampshire Great Bay, 支持该州蓬勃发展的牡蛎产业. 阅读更多
09/06/23 - 研究在23财年获得2.1亿美元的竞争性资金联合国大学在23财政年度获得了2.1亿美元的竞争性外部资金, supporting research projects that improve lives in New Hampshire and beyond. 阅读更多